Monday, July 14, 2008

Blur it all

I have a wish.

I want a movie to be made. A very special one. One that tells a story that spans thousands of years. One in which a year lasts only a second. It shouldn’t just span all the way along the timeline. It should conquer complexity and win over the detail devil. People and places should not be that but stand for populations and worlds. When a person speaks in the movie, it should be much more. It should be the voice of all of humankind. When he laughs, it should, undeniably, be only to reflect the sheer joy of existence. Nothing less. Nothing trivial. Nothing. But a celebration of life. Just that. He would age in the movie, of course. Like the humankind has. Would start off innocent. Lose it quickly. Then get wiser. Later senile.
Certainly, there would be more than one actor. If each one would be everyone, I wonder how that would work. Probably each actor should not be everyone. Probably each one should speak for all men of one kind. But there shouldn’t be many. We don’t want the details. We don’t want to see individuals. No aberrations. No mavericks. We don’t want to see the parts. Just the whole.
And the plot. Well. That would be something. The mother of all scripts. A punch would be a skirmish. A scuffle, a battle. And a murder, a nuclear war. A stroll would be a voyage across the seas. An adventure would be landing foot on a rock in the sky. A mad man would be a nation gone berserk. A population hypnotized.

Details are good. They distract us.


Unknown said...

"Details are good...." - I love this line dude ! ah reading a nice blog after some time..

Inspired to Live said...

The most Ambitious script 4 a movie. Sounds like God reading back on his Journal. The Constant Spectator ruminating :)